Friday 14 August 2015

Ice Cream Cake (Chocolate sponge cake layered with tutti fruity ice cream with chocolate sauce and almonds topping)

Siblings....the most non judgmental lot you can have in your list of people, isn't it. I grew up in a house with my 2 other siblings. As mush as I know when they will read this (if they have the patience) they will call me a bag of loose rotten emotions...which I agree I have given them as well time to time. But isn't it nice to have some one who knows you inside out, who can listen your stupid jabs on life and stuff without making 'are you freakin crazy' face. I have a younger sister and brother and being the oldest, it was expected off me to be a better example and lead responsibly. Yep I had to act like that in front of my parents. But they knew what a crazy pants I was. Whether it was telling my sister that we found her in a dumpster and brought her home out of pity or daring my brother to eat a bowl full of chilies for just 2 rupees or sneaking out a cigarette from my dad's stash in the night to show off that I could to smoke (though I never inhaled the smoke...but it made a good show). 

I remember going to my brother's school to pic him up on my kiddie bicycle and seeing him crying with all his might because I was few minutes late or walking up to my sister's class to talk (read softly threaten) to a kid who was bullying her. We fought with eat other, we didn't talk after the fights..but then something would happen or we would hear a new gossip and cold treatment would go out of the window.

A few days back my sister came back to India on holidays and visited my place. So I made this layered ice cream cake for dessert. Didn't take long too make but took only few minutes to finish off.

You can also make this amazingly easy dessert a home.

Things you will needs:

For the chocolate sponge cake:

4 Tbsp self raising flour
2 1/2 Tbsp cocoa powder
3 Tbsp granulated sugar
1 Egg
2 Tbsp Butter/ Vegetable oil
1/4 Cup Luke warm water

For Chocolate sauce

3 Tbsp Drinking chocolate
1 Tbsp butter
2 Tsp corn starch
1 Cup water
1/2 Cup melted chocolate
2 Tbsp granulated sugar

1 Tub Tutti Fruity Ice cream
1 Cup Almond flakes


Chocolate sponge cake 

Sieve the  flour, cocoa powder and sugar together and keep aside.

Grease the cake tin and dust it with flour. In a closed jar add the warm water, egg and butter together and shake until everything is mixed thoroughly and the mixture become frothy. 

Add it to the dry ingredients and whip till everything is mixed and forms a light batter.

Pour the batter into the pre-greased cake mold and tap the mold gently to release the air bubbles.

Microwave it for 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes insert a toothpick at the center of the cake and if it come out clean; the cake it done.

Chocolate sauce 

In non stick pan pour the water and when it heats up add the drinking chocolate and mix.

Add in the sugar and melted chocolate and butter and simmer on low heat.

Once the mix is reduced to almost half; add the corn starch mixed in little water and bring it to a boil. You will notice the sauce will thicken. 

Take the sauce off heat and pour it in a jar and keep it in the refrigerator to cool down.

Layering the cake

Well the layering is pretty simple. Keep the ice cream out of the freezer for 10-15 minutes till it becomes soft enough to work with.

In the same cake tin, put the chocolate sponge cake at the bottom and top it with the ice cream making a smooth and even layer.

Now comes the hardest part. Cover the tin with cling film and freeze it over night. I now it was hard for me because I wanted to eat it right there.

Before serving the cake, keep it out of the freezer for 3-4 minutes and once it is little soft take it out off the tin.

Pour the chocolate sauce make sure it is cold as well and sprinkle sliced almonds  generously. 

Hope you guys will enjoy this frozen dessert.


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